Caseware idea sort by day of week
Caseware idea sort by day of week

Read our article, "Top 10 Areas Where Data Analysis is Adding the Most Value: Results from Survey Conducted by Audimation Services, Inc. It can also be used to perform exception testing to spot internal control weaknesses and provide recommendations for improvement. Overall, IDEA helps you look at the data from different angles to gain greater insight into the organization’s business activities.

  • Sampling – Sampling is a fundamental part of audit work, and IDEA simplifies sample creation while offering multiple methodologies.
  • – IDEA includes more than 100 designed to perform complex calculations and exception testing.
  • Pivot Table – Creates multi-dimensional, multi-variable analyses of large data files.
  • Summarization – Accumulates the values of numeric fields for each unique key or multiple keys and results can be graphed or drilled into for more research.
  • Stratification – Totals the number and value of records within specified bands.
  • Field Manipulation – Creates new fields (such as data normalization, recalculations, and conditional results).
  • Field Statistics – Statistics can be generated for all numeric, date and time fields within a database, allowing you to compare values, numbers, dates and times.
  • Report this resource to let us know if it violates. Children need to cut out the days of the week and put them in the correct order according to what the caterpillar ate.


    Now in our third season of CaseWare IDEA Tech Tips, this 3-part webinar series explores IDEA's latest innovative capabilities as well as highlights some important tips and tricks on using our data analysis software directly from our industry experts. It uses the Hungry Caterpillar as a stimulus. Fall 2021: CaseWare IDEA Tech Tips Novemto DecemLive, Online. A worksheet I made to use with my year 1 class to help teach the days of the week.

  • Group – Organize matching records in indexed fields into expandable/collapsible groups The Very Hungry Caterpillar- Days of the week.
  • Search – Find text within fields of a database or multiple databases.
  • caseware idea sort by day of week caseware idea sort by day of week

  • Sort – Create a new database sorted and stored in a specific order.
  • You can perform up to 50 extractions or exception tests with one pass through the database
  • Extractions – (aka: exception testing) Identify records with specific attributes.
  • Here are just a few examples of how IDEA can be used: You can use IDEA as a discovery or forensic tool to identify anomalies in the accounting data. This often morphs into 'Field Trip Fridays,' either as families or members of the same homeschool group or co-op plan field trips for the end of the week. IDEA’s analysis capabilities are endless. Some families do traditional academics Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and leave the fifth day free.

    Caseware idea sort by day of week